We moved!

Hi everyone!

We compiled the most common questions we have gotten over the last 6 weeks, and are ready to answer them! 

Thank you SO much for all of the love & support! It has been so amazing to receive the sweetest messages & calls from family, friends, and even strangers! Those messages have made the adjustment so much easier, and we are so thankful to be surrounded by such loving people!

S0 where exactly did you move? Puerto rico! The southern part, to be specific!

WHY? This is the most frequent question, obviously, but I always love answering it! Mitch got accepted to a medical school program here that is completely bilingual! He will be 100% fluent and certified to act as a doctor in both English and Spanish. This will open up so many doors for the future! We feel so blessed because that sort of training goes right along with everything we were hoping this life would be for us.

How? This questions, and questions like it, always make me laugh! To be totally honest, looking back, we aren’t exactly sure how we left our comfortable and happy life in Salt Lake (which we loved SO much!) to come to an island we knew nothing about. All we can say is that there were LOTS of prayers. We weighed out our options, took advice from our family members and close friends, and then took the leap with no plans to ever look back!

What does mitch do on a day to day basis? Well, he is definitely always busy! He usually only has class about 3 days a week. He studies in most of his free time, though! *Here begins the proud wife rant* He really is amazing though because  he always makes time for working out, the beach, and cuddling me while watching Modern Family. I don’t know how he does it all, but he does & it is inspiring to see!

What does elise do on a day to day basis? I tan. A lot. Lol. Most days I spend at home, too, so luckily we found a cute little place that we are completely in love with! I am finishing up my degree with the online BYU program (sorry, dad!) I’ve also been blessed with the opportunity to earn an income via Instagram, so that keeps me pretty busy most days!

What has been the easiest/ hardest part for each of you?
Mitch: The easiest part has been the recreation! He loves that we can be at the beach & then the jungle & then the desert, all within less than 2 hours from one side of the island to the other. There is always something new & beautiful to discover here, and that never ever gets old!

Mitch: The hardest part has been living on island time! It has taken some getting used to, but if we really are gonna live in Hawaii one day (which we will... lol) he knows he better get used to it!

Elise: The easiest part for me has definitely been the weather & the beach! Need I even say any more?

Elise: The hardest part for me has 100% been how much ice cream costs here. IT IS SO MUCH. Also, getting used to Spanish all the time was a little challenging as well! It had been a couple of years since I lived in Honduras, so adjusting back to being able to fluently understand and be understood in Spanish seemed to take a little more effort than I thought it would. Luckily, everyone here is incredibly patient (and 99% of them speak English..) so it has been easier and easier each day!

Has it been what you expected? This question and the ones like it always make me laugh! Honestly, it’s hard to answer this because we really had no idea what to expect! We are doing our best to just let Puerto Rico be Puerto rico! When we compare it to Utah, or Hawaii, or Spain, or Honduras, it’s so different that that isn’t even fair! All we know is that there have been hard times, but SO many good times, and it only has 10% to do with where we are and 90% to do with who we are with 😊

Keep the questions coming! We love you guys!!

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