Half-Tee -- Product Review


I was sooo excited when I received my half-tee to review. It was hard to choose just one from their website, they all look so cute!

Now, just to give a little bit of context, I've never been one who likes the look of putting a shirt under another shirt... I just don't. It seems excessive to me.

Anyways, with that said, I was still pretty stoked when I received an email from this sweet company
inviting me to collaborate with them on a product review.

I mean, sure it's a layering shirt, but, like, it's free so why not?


The whole week after I got my half-tee, I paired it with EVERYTHING.

I put it under sleeveless shirts, under low neck or low back dresses, under baggy off-the-shoulder sweaters. Everything.

Since then, when I'm shopping, I find myself saying "Oh, THIS will look perfect with my half-tee."

I absolutely love it!! Here's why:

It's comfy. 
It doesn't' bunch up under everything which honestly makes life 100% better.
It's cute and can be paired with anything!

Check out their website at www.halftee.com or their instagram here!

(PS I'm wearing the black long-sleeved half-tee (modal) linked here!)

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