"You should first and foremost be completely in love with taking care of you."
I have had quite a few DM's and emails (which I am SO excited about, PLEASE PLEASE keep them coming!) about different topics that you guys want to hear about, but one that I keep getting are questions about healthy living habits.
**Let's get one thing out of the way: Health is a lifestyle, and I feel like I've only ever scratched its surface.
And I need to say that right off because you can catch me working out twice a day, but you can also catch me stuffing my face full of Clucks & Fries at Red Robin.
(Whether that's good or bad, that's just the way I roll.)
That being said, I hold health & wellness (both physical and mental) very near to my heart.
In my health and nutrition class, we had to come up with, in our own opinions, 13 Healthy Living Habits that we (try to) live by! Mitch and I have talked them over and truly strive to live by these laws. We've seen the difference that they have made in our lives, and now I'm excited to share them with you!
1. Think before you eat.
I don't know about you, but I seem to only make bad food choices when I'm caught up in the moment or rushed, and I don't give any thought to what I am about to eat. It is amazing the different choices you make when you take a second to breathe and think about what your body is REALLY craving.2. Exercise or move daily
This sometimes sounds a lot easier then it is. It's hard to constantly make time to move daily! With school and work and families, just getting up and moving daily will help you maintain a better physical and mental health.3.Water
This can mean so many different things for so many people, and it definitely took me some time to realize what it meant for me. For me, I love myself in 2 simple ways: 1) by balancing work with play and 2) Not being MEAN to myself (I once heard a teacher say that, although everyone strives to not say anything bad about each other, the real challenge is making sure to not say anything bad about themselves. How true is that?)5. Morning routine
I am such a huge believer in a morning routine! I saw its benefit to my life on my mission, and I can definitely see it now! Mitch and I have a strict morning routine that we try to follow, and it has made all the difference in our lives!6. Get YOUR 8 hours of sleep
Doctor's recommend 8 hours of sleep as a general time for an average human. I, however, for whatever reason, honestly need 9 hours of sleep. With 8 hours, I'm groggy *grumpy* in the mornings and late afternoon. With 9, I literally have energy all day. Find your 8 hours and meet them!7. Tap into your spiritual well-being daily
Whatever this means for you, do it. Take the time necessary for you to connect to whatever spirituality you believe in. Whether that's a prayer, time outside, meditation, you name it! If it crossed your mind reading this, do it. Daily.8. Awareness of your mental health - Focus on what is important to you!
This is so hard for me. I've talked to one too many friends who feel the same way. DONT GET CAUGHT UP IN ANYTHING THAT ISN'T IMPORTANT TO YOU. It doesn't matter what that is. Prioritize and focus on the things that you genuinely enjoy and want to do. Forget the rest.9. Surround yourself with positive & supportive people
This one actually might be the hardest for me. Without getting too much into it, you should spend your time with the people you love who genuinely love you back. Cut out the people who only bring you negative thoughts and vibes (however hard it may be to do so!) Life is too short to be spending it with people who don't bring out the best in you.10. Organize your space
There is a difference between being an overall messy person or being unorganized..11. Find a hobby that clears your mind
It could be ANYTHING. Just make sure that it is 100% not connected to any of your professional life. For example: if you are trying to be a full-time photographer, photography may be a hobby, but now it is also something professional. Find something else! Something that is just out of the blue, preferably something that you aren't good at. That way, when you're doing it, you are in the zone, not worrying about anything else.12. Give back! (to the community, to those who support you)
Be creative in serving those around you!13. Spend less than you earn
This is pretty self- explanatory and more necessary than I would like it to be."Healthy Living" is such a broad term! There is so much incorporated into mental health, physical health, spiritual health, etc. etc. These are just 13 little rules that we have prioritized in our lives, and I can honestly swear on the difference they have made!
Email me and let me know your favorite points or if you have any other aspects of healthy living that I didn't mention! :)
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