My 'Healthy Holiday Season' Challenge

Hey everyone!

It is THAT time of year again, and although there are so many things I love about this season, I have such mixed emotions with the food and the treats and the holiday parties! 

Because of this, I wanted to start a holiday challenge! 

I decided to look for easy-to-follow-yet-effective tips to staying in shape while still enjoying hot chocolate and (anything) caramel!

After a lot of Google searches and talking to some of my healthiest friends, I have picked 4 of the easiest (yet most effective) tips that will help me continue feeling strong and energized this holiday season! 

The challenge is to follow these & then let me know in the comments/ email me/ text me/ come visit/ etc how you feel & if it helped! I’ll be sharing my results with you as well at the end of the season

1.       Don’t let a day go by without moving!

I know, I know. I don’t really feel like doing a full HIIT workout the day after eating turkey and ham and mashed potatoes either, but I am challenging myself to (at least) move in some way each day this holiday season!

Here are some ideas I found for staying active when you don’t feel like ‘working out’:
  • Take a walk around the neighborhood/ mall/ park/ etc
  • Yoga
  • Take a new fitness class with some friends!
  • Pinterest has dozens of workouts that range from 4 to 10 minutes. Choose a time limit & give your all to a 10-minute boot burner circuit!
  • Take advantage of seasonal activities such as ice skating/ skiing/ snowboarding/ surfing/ sledding/ snow shoe-ing/ etc
2.       Hydrate even more than you think you'll need!

Since dehydration increases cravings and my mom makes the best caramel popcorn around Christmastime, I challenge myself to make sure I stay as hydrated as I can! Your body should consume at least half of its body weight in ounces each day.

3.       Prioritize sleep!

I am admittedly the worst at this! I don’t ever like to feel like I’m missing out, especially around Christmas time! I challenge myself to prioritize sleep, especially with the time differences/ jet lag Mitch & I will be feeling when we visit out families!

4.       Remember what is REALLY important!

As much as I want to try and stay as healthy as I can this winter, I also challenge myself to enjoy the season! Mental health plays such a huge role in physical health! If I am too concerned about staying healthy, I’ll forget to enjoy the festivities and times with our friends & family. I challenge myself to be conscious about my eating and exercising, but to also understand that 2 days *cough thanksgiving and Christmas* won’t throw off a years worth of work.

Happy Holiday Everyone!

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