Meet Hannah
Instagram: @hann_black
1. Tell us a little about yourself!
Hannah here
🏼 I’m from a tiny town in northwest Arkansas
called Pea Ridge, but no one knows where it is so I just say I’m from
Bentonville, AR (Walmart hometown)! I married my high school sweetheart almost
3 years ago and life just couldn’t get better. We had to do long distance for
3ish years while we were dating so I’m extra grateful I get to spend so much
time with him now. I love to travel with my hunky hubby, workout, make yummy
food, take photos, create things, go on all the adventures, watch movies, go on
walks with our cute pup and dream big. My husband and I have a few businesses
and have more in the works. We love to keep life interesting and fun whether by
the work that we do or what we do for fun. I am passionate about health and
fitness as well and work as a certified person trainer and certified
nutritionist. I love to be active but I also don’t mind a night in, playing
games and spending quality time with the people I love most.

Every Christmas
Eve, my moms side of the family does a huge family program where we all get
together, eat yummy food and each family has to do a skit or share a talent, we
also call all of the family members who can’t make it or close friends and wish
them a merry Christmas. I also love Christmas Eve jammies! Colin and I go see a
movie every Christmas as well and even though it sounds dumb, I always love it.
I also love that we always take time to decorate together and then sit by the
tree and talk about how our year was and the things we want to accomplish next
year. I love all the baking!!!! So many yummy treats.
Christmas means so much to me! I love the nostalgia about it and the special memories it brings. I love to focus on the meaning behind Christmas and try not to get wrapped up in presents and the extra chaos. I love that we get to celebrate Jesus Christ being born and that he came to give us the most fulfill life that we get to share with our loved ones. It means spending time and creating memories, giving, and sharing joy and love. I seriously love Christmas because it is the happiest time of the year!
4. If you could share a single piece of advice with everyone this Christmas season, what would it be?
The advice I would
give would be to enjoy what really matters. It really doesn’t matter about
getting Christmas cards out on time, buying the perfect presents, getting the
presents you want or if you get a white Christmas. Christmas doesn’t have to be
some big grand scheme. The simplicity of it being a celebration of Christ and
sharing love is what matters. When Colin and I first got married, we couldn’t
even afford to get each other Christmas presents but it didn’t matter, we
learned that the magic of Christmas is not in what Santa brings or all the
commotion, it’s in making every year a celebration of the life we get to live,
the love we get to share and the reason we get to do so.
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