25 Days of Christmas Community- Day 6 - Susana

Meet Susana

Instagram: @regosusana

1. Tell us a little about yourself!

Hi my name is Susana Rego I was born in Cuba but have loved most of my life in Miami. 
I love animals, art and new experience!

I love calligraphy and wish I had more time to practice it! 

2. What are your favorite Christmas traditions?

My fave tradition is just having all the family Toft whenever in one place and spending time together. 

3. What does Christmas mean to you?

Christmas is indeed the happiest time of year and that’s because there’s a lot of unity since everyone comes together to celebrate. I also believe Christmas is Jesus birthday! 

4. If you could share a single piece of advice with everyone this Christmas season, what would it be?

My advice to everyone is to treasure and hold on tight to those who are important to them and never take for granted anything EVER and to always always love one another and spread love. 

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