25 Days of Christmas Community- Day 11 - Emma

Meet Emma

Instagram: @emmagdevore

1. Tell us a little about yourself!

I live in Vancouver, WA (no, not Canada, and located next to Portland, OR). I am currently a Senior in High school. I am incredibly involved in every day; school work, dance practice, ASB, working and any other plans I manage to find time for.
I love to walk the streets of Portland to find the hidden gems of small tea shops and storefronts filled with the green of indoor plants seeming like they were crawling out of their pots. No concrete plan or minute-by-minute agenda.
I write endlessly. Always. Journal pages and iPhone notes and blog posts filled with my thoughts and revelations. I write to share my story and I write to inspire others to create their own as well. (And maybe one day some of this writing will be a complete novel; I’ll cross my fingers.) 

2. What are your favorite Christmas traditions?

When I was younger, waiting for Santa to come wasn’t just fun and games, it was a bit more like a sport. We snuck card games and board games to “hide” underneath our beds and then spent all night trying to stay awake to catch Santa. We may not be so little anymore, but the tradition remains of camping out in one of our rooms for the night to play some games and talk a whole bunch. 

3. What does Christmas mean to you?

To me Christmas is an incredibly special and joyful time of the year. It feels as though even through the craziness of the world there is still some glue holding us all together. I love listening to the music we all know, seeing the decorations and traditions. Christmas means joy and family and together (preferably together next to some fire or with hot cocoa though). 

4. If you could share a single piece of advice with everyone this Christmas season, what would it be?

I was listening to Christmas music and this year a particular line jumped out to me, “A weary world rejoices”. I just think it’s a beautiful thought about happiness and hope in our reality. Everyone is busy, a little stressed, and always pushing forward to the next big thing. We are all a bit weary. This is the time to come together, to move past the reality of whatever work or to-do list you might have. Shift your priority to what matters this Christmas season; and it’s okay to be weary- just don’t forget the rejoicing bit. 

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